Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Moving forward

January 9 is the public Council meeting to consider our rezoning application. Fingers crossed!

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

The kindness of neighbours

We seem to have lucked out with the neighbours around the church. Kind people have raked our leaves, hauled our garbage to the landfill, brought us food, weeded our sidewalk, lent us a wheelbarrow, offered the use of their car, picked up fallen trash bins, taught us how to point brick, and even phoned us in the city to let us know lights got left on (and went in and turned them off for us using the lockbox). It's good to know people are looking out for us. I kind of see this whole renovation as a community project. A lot of people are invested in seeing this church be preserved, and we've been welcomed to the neighbourhood more warmly than I anticipated. I can't wait to be able to become part of this community fulltime!

Snow! And some important messages for 2025

Yesterday was relatively mild and clear, so the hubby and I took a walk around Rattray Marsh for an hour, breathing in the chilly air and ga...