Saturday, November 7, 2020

Still Camping

So the plan was that I would be here for a week to meet various service people and then my husband would pick me up again (today). But he has had to put the car in the shop, and there is a lot happening at home that he has to deal with this weekend, and then we're back to Monday and he's back to work and can't pick me up until the following weekend. Except I have to be back up here the 18th to meet the propane people (heat, blessed heat!) so I may as well just stay here until hubby can fetch me the following weekend, on the 20th or 21st. So...the one-week stay looks like it will be a three-week stay.

This poses some interesting logistical problems. It means nearly three weeks lived at 12 degrees celsius, which is doable but not comfortable, especially for Brio. I have a washing machine, so clothes and towels aren't a factor. But I only brought so much dog food with me, or people food, not having anticipated a lengthy stay. I'm looking at my meagre stores and puzzling over how to ration it in the most effective way. Pasta and tomatoes. Oatmeal. Some rice. A serving or two of couscous. One bag of frozen vegetables. Some canned tomato soup, corn, peas, and pork n' beans. One bottle of peaches. A half tub of margarine. And luckily I brought all my medication with me and not just my "weekly pack." 

I think I can do that. It's not too difficult, and if I get desperate, the local gas station sells chips and crackers. What worries me more is the lack of reading material, and the fact I have two library books with me that are due, and a doctor appointment I'll have to reschedule. Thank goodness I have internet! What did pioneer women do without that? And I feel bad that I'm camping here in relative peace and quiet while my husband scrambles to get everything done at home. I have the easier load to haul.

So. Two more weeks. I will regard it as a retreat. Or fat camp. I will do yoga and calisthenics (to keep warm). I will nibble dry oatmeal for breakfast, I will play endless hours of fetch with Brio to keep him warm too. I will watch every Hallmark movie available on Youtube. I will pretend I'm back in lockdown.


  1. I do too! Though there's not much to do but sweep up spider webs and play ball with Brio.


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