Friday, August 27, 2021


My husband is at the church this week, trying to cobble together a temporary kitchen for us to use while we work on framing and drywalling. While he was puttering, he happened to notice a smell coming from the utility room. Upon investigation, he discovered the sump pump wasn't working...and hadn't been working for a long time, apparently. Probably since the last time the concrete floor was jackhammered. 

Luckily he caught it before things flooded. Luckily he is handy and knew how to take it apart and clean it out. And luckily the pump hadn't burned out and still works now. He called me tonight to report on the project, and to tell me he got a third of the lawn mowed before the rain poured down. He's got some more projects to do before he comes home in a couple of days, and the mower batteries are charged and ready in case things dry out enough to finish mowing. But he sounded upbeat and cheerful throughout -- he's just happy to see some visible progress happening. What a wonderful guy I married!

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