Friday, January 13, 2023

I'm pleased to report...

In spite of all the rain we've been having, the basement has remained dry. It seems we've finally got that leak in the utility room under control. (Knock on wood. Is it tempting fate if I say this out loud?) Grateful to Paul Davis for sticking with us until all was well.

I really think, though, that if I ever build a home in the future (I can hear my husband howling at the thought), it will be built on stilts. Ground water has been a constant issue (no pun intended) at both properties. Better to build as they do in Hawaii, with the house raised so that water can flow through and past without damage.

A good metaphor for everything in life, I suppose. When challenges come, let them flow and inundate and then subside without inflicting harm. Be above all that.

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