Friday, July 28, 2023

Madly Drywalling

My husband and I (poor, patient man) are trying to complete the bits of drywalling that the hired drywallers didn't do. It's a messy job, and in this heat, with no air conditioning, the rooms are about 29 celsius, so the drywall dust ends up caked on the skin, reconstituted as mud. The part I'm doing is overhead, so I'm sanding the stuff directly down onto my face. Goggles and dust mask, and trying to catch the dust in a plastic pail as I sand. Frequent showers and a couple of runs into town to get ice cream, because, ya know, because.

We rented a carpet cleaner that aggravated my tendonitis/tennis elbow, and hauling the couch downstairs yesterday threw my back out, so this afternoon's session on the scaffolding is going to be entertaining.

Tonight we head back to Mississauga to babysit the kidlets for the weekend, and I give a talk in church. Then back up here Sunday afternoon to keep working. I'm going the States to see my family in August, and the painters return right when I get back, so this has all got to get done this coming week. Whee!

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