Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Relying on Miracles

Hubby dropped me off at the church to spend ten days working on various projects. So far I've raked the entire side yard (hardpan duly broken up and smoothed, and about half of the million baby maple trees removed). I've seeded with microclover, because it will reduce the mowing and watering requirements, though with the number of rabbits I've seen lately, it will likely just provide them with good feeding. And I'll likely have to mow sometimes anyway, just to behead all the baby trees I've missed.

In this area, the maintenance of beautiful lawns appears to be a competitive sport. Our neighbours have vast stretches of the most smooth, perfect, amazing green lawns, and our yard now looks like I'm about to plant potatoes.

Our yard is big, though, and our hose won't reach all of it, so I've been wondering how to water the new seed. But last night we got a light rain, enough to dampen it all down, and the forecast is calling for three more days of rain later this week.

Thank you.

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