Thursday, February 13, 2025

I forgot how small towns work

I spent my childhood in a smallish town in a close-knit neighbourhood. Everyone knew everyone, a lot of us were related, and we were quite involved in each other's lives. But I've spent the past 34+ years in a large city. I know a couple of my neighbours there, and we do things for each other from time to time, including shovelling snow. It's just what people do in a cold climate. But I've learned it's done on a much larger scale here in Warwick.

About 8 inches of very heavy, wet snow fell last night. I was one of the first out and spent close to three hours shovelling. Also did one neighbour's porch, and another neighbour's driveway. I was just finishing when a couple of people with powerful, tractor-pulled snowblowers appeared and started working their way down the street, plowing out everyone's driveways in minutes, including widening my own. So my work was for naught, but I've learned how it all goes now, for next time. And I've met a new neighbour from around the corner.

I've also had a couple of friends over for lunch and a chat this week, which I never do at home. Like, ever. But here it feels natural and normal and fun.

I'd kind of forgotten what it felt like to be part of a community. But slowly I'm integrating into this one.

p.s. If anyone is looking for something to do while they're snowed in, I'm giving out free books at the church. Walk on in and help yourselves!

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I forgot how small towns work

I spent my childhood in a smallish town in a close-knit neighbourhood. Everyone knew everyone, a lot of us were related, and we were quite i...