Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Washed in Colour

Because we are starting renos on the lower level, we have moved everything upstairs for now. We've set up the couch and computer and a temporary kitchen in the sanctuary, and the bed and my workstation in the vestry. That way my husband can be out in the sanctuary practising his chanter while I'm working in the other room. It means having to run up and down the stairs to fetch water for the dog or grab something from the fridge (moved into the laundry room), but it works.

It is a very different experience to lie on the couch and watch the sun come up through the stained glass windows. Green and pink light bathes everything in a beautiful glow, and you feel you are being washed in colour. The ceiling fans move the air up and out the Eye of Horus window, so it's quite comfortable.

We spent a good deal of time last night sitting on the couch, imagining flooring and wall paint options. I want something light and airy-feeling, a cream tone to the walls, a wheat or oat carpet. At the same time, if we're having functions in this room, a polished wood floor is probably the best option, in which case I feel we have to go with dark, to match the beams and windowsills already in place. But an entirely dark expanse of floor would be a bit much. Can you mix colours of wood or would that be strange? There's a section at the front of the room where someone has removed the dias and installed gray-blue linoleum, like a dance floor. We'd have to try to match the rest of the wood floor, and I'm not sure what this wood is...Fir? Elm? Will have to research it.

To get away from the chaos and clear our heads for a while, we spent much of Simcoe Day yesterday walking along Lake Huron in Bright's Grove. The colour of the water was magical, a deep turquoise fading to pearl gray as it neared the shore. A gentle cooling breeze, just the right temperature, and pulled pork on a bun from the food truck at the end of it. A perfect day. I feel so lucky to be so close to such beauty. 

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