Saturday, March 26, 2022

Windows and Doors going in, and proposal for a book nook

Stephenson starts installing the sanctuary windows and the two side doors the first week of April. Hubby will go up to remove the stained glass and be on hand, while I stay home with Brio, who would only be underfoot. I will be glad to see some progress being made at last. Hubby will also meet with the contractor and probably the planning consultant at the same time, so it will be productive time.

As one enters the building, there is a cloak room to the right, with coat hooks all around the walls and two stained glass windows. Hubby had the idea of putting in an oriental carpet, floor to ceiling bookshelves, and a squashy chair, where people could sit and read in the cozy glow of the stained glass. A mini Edwardian library. No need to convince me! I'm picking out paint colours already. 

Cicero says that the only things you need in life are a garden and a library, and I am inclined to agree. I have stacks (boxes) of books to fill it with. Even some boxes in the crawlspace hubby doesn't know about. I'm planning to put bookshelves in the balcony all along the railing, too, but there will be plenty of overflow for the new book nook.

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